A new play by Peter Lawson Jones
Directed by Terrence Spivey*
A Special Workshop Production
Presented with Life Exchange Center (LEC)
All proceeds benefiting LEC
May 20 — 29, 2022
Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm & Sunday at 2:30 pm
Will Coulter, a widower with a teenage daughter, comes home from the war in Afghanistan. He returns with a debilitating case of PTSD and depression as well as a drug addiction, the severity of which he denies. Can a group of men and women—who, themselves, are battling mental health and substance abuse challenges—save him?
*Member, Stage Directors and Choreographers Society
Life Exchange Center (LEC)
A Center for Hope and Recovery
LEC is a consumer-directed, certified Peer Support drop-in center with a mission to empower its members’ Recovery from mental health and chemical dependency disorders. LEC commissioned this original play, The Phoenix Society, to inspire hope to its members, their loved ones, and anyone who has begun re-birth in Recovery.
Special Events
Half-Price Dress Rehearsal:
Thursday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m.
Audience Talkbacks:
Friday, May 20: Terry Edwards Lester & Robert L. Moore
Saturday, May 21: Peter Lawson Jones & Terrence Spivey
Saturday, May 28: Peter Lawson Jones & Terrence Spivey
Sunday, May 29: The cast of The Phoenix Society with moderator Jacquelin Ann Fields, LICDC LSW MNO
Due to the small size of our venue, all patrons must wear masks covering both the nose and mouth while in attendance for all performances in May 2022. Masks must be surgical, KN95, or N95, and must not be bandanas, face shields, or other substitutes. Surgical masks will be provided at no cost at our box office. Note that ticket sales for this event opened during a low ebb in the Covid pandemic, and that Playwrights Local reserves the right to revise this policy in the event of another spike in cases or similar health crisis. Consult our policy at www.playwrightslocal.org.
Prophet Seay……….Will Coulter
Joyce Linzy……….Eliza Coulter
Logan Dior Williams……….Danielle Coulter
Luther Pete Robinson……….Hollywood
Kenny Charles……….Mack Hinson
Laprise Marie Johnson……….Vanity
Willie Walker Gibson……….Amir
Sandy Deida……….Angel
Darlene Darby Baldwin……….CiCi
With additional real-life members of LEC appearing as follows:
Lynne Exsentico……….Aiesha
Clifford Hinton……….Blackjack
Rose Sams……….Jewell
Sherrel Jones……….CiCi (Understudy)
Creative Team
Andre Brown……….Stage Manager
Laprise Marie Johnson……….Assistant Stage Manager
Marcus Dana……….Lighting Designer
Tom Hayes……….Technical Director
David Todd……….Production Manager
With additional real-life members of LEC contributing as follows:
Johnnie M. Arnold-Menefee……….Production Assistant
Claude Gooden……….Production Assistant
Recorded Music
Provided courtesy of Elizabeth Huang, violin, and Nolan James, trumpet.

Credit: Grace McC Photography. Click for complete gallery.