Staged Readings of New Plays | Free | Tickets or Reservations Not Required
Wednesday, September 29 | 7:00 pm
Where’s Charlie?
Written by Edward J. Walsh
Directed by Constance Thackaberry
Synopsis: Charlene Thompson and Justin Huth have ventured into winter’s high country. Now they find themselves suddenly stranded. Failed cellphone signals prevent rescue. The unrelenting snow provides water, but food is something only to be desperately wished for — unless, of course, Justin can convince Charlene that her beloved dog Charlie is the answer to all their culinary problems.
Hannah Storch
August Scarpelli
Thursday, November 11 | 7:00 pm
The Mirror Effect
Written by Oana Leuca
Directed by Christine McBurney
Synopsis: The Mirror Effect presents Amanda Reis, a self-searching female writer who explores her inner life through language and disguise. Her story is inspired by the lives and work of other female artists (Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Anne Sexton, Marylin Monroe, etc.). Her poetic monologue is an astronaut’s shout in space, a place where sound waves can’t travel. She is a clown afraid of clowns, an actress trying to free herself from her persona.
Lana Sugarman – Amanda Reis
Samantha Cocco – Alejandra Pizarnik
Heidi Hackney – Sylvia Plath
Molly McFadden – Marilyn Monroe
Amiee Collier – Anne Sexton
Nadia Tarnawsky – Marina Tsvetaeva
Tammy Shanley – Virginia Woolf & Stage Directions
Credit: Grace McC Photography. Click for complete gallery.