October 2018
Staged Readings of New Plays | Free | Tickets or Reservations Not Required
October 9 | 7:00 pm
Why the World Would End Without Pomegranates
Written by Morgan E. Elswick
Directed by Tim Tavcar
Why the World Would End Without Pomegranates is a modern adaptation of the Greek Persephone myth, except in this version, Persephone is given much more autonomy. Instead of focusing on her “kidnapping” and relationship with Hades, this version closely follows the connection between Persephone and her mother, Demeter. The setting should be modern-day, with scenes taking place in the Underworld, on a mountain, and in a town.
October 11 | 7:00 pm
The Woman & The Medicare
Written by Eric Schmiedl
Directed by William Hoffman
A woman desperately attempts to rectify a snag in her elderly mother’s healthcare coverage. Unfortunately, events cause the snag to spiral out of control throwing the woman’s world into immediate crisis which leads to an unexpected opportunity for enlightenment
October 16 | 7:00 pm
The King of Cage Street
Written by Michael Oatman
Directed by Syrmylin R. Cartwright
Synopsis: An ex-con waits while a vicious rival from his past comes for revenge.
October 18 | 7:00 pm
The Adventures of Fleische Michecha of Rumilshtenikisigov
Written by Matthew Greenfield
Directed by Erik Andrews
Synopsis: Fleische Michecha is a quiet Jewish boy-turned-man coping with a mysterious “pain” and very interesting times in the early 20th century: forced to leave his titular hometown and wander around the world in service of the Tzar in two bloody wars, Fleische gets caught up in the turmoil of the Russian Revolution and eventually decides to immigrate to America, coming to terms with the “home-less” nature of the Diaspora and discovering a resilient home within himself in the face of the massive historical pressures of pogroms, wars, revolutions, and assimilation.