“By providing us with the opportunity to experience diverse voices — i.e., voices that don’t necessarily belong to straight white men — Playwrights Local delivers an invaluable service to the community…..The fact that diverse voices are being heard on Cleveland stages is something to celebrate.”
— Scene Magazine
Playwrights Local is a resource open to all members of the community of Northeast Ohio irrespective of race, ethnicity, age, gender identification, economic status, skill level, disability, or belief. As an organization, we place the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the heart of our efforts to provide an outlet for our region’s creative voices. The theater has long served as a venue for communities to express and reflect on themselves, and we know that the discussion we create will become stronger and more vibrant by the range of speakers it includes. Although we at Playwrights Local have strived to feature diverse dramatic writers and theater artists in our events and productions, we know that we must continue to help break down the barriers prohibiting equal representation. We have made it a priority to emphasize anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices in all of our endeavors with the full support of our Board of Directors and stakeholders.