November 1, 8, 15, & 29 | December 6 & 13
Mondays 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Presented remotely/online via Zoom
Just the Facts, Man: Documentary Playwriting Workshop
With Christopher Johnston
As playwrights, we usually draw from real-life stories to create a narrative play. However, we can also do extensive research and interviews with people on which to build a documentary theater piece about a dynamic individual or a particular group or people, say veterans or victims of domestic violence. We have the option to create characters based on those interviewees or by using the subject’s exact words from an interview transcript in a verbatim piece. In this workshop, we’ll discuss the techniques necessary to research a topic and get comprehensive interviews from which to draw material or language for the docudrama. Each student will develop a shorter piece that can stand on its own or be developed into a one-act or full-length play.
Presented in partnership with Literary Cleveland.