Staged Readings of New Plays | Open Playwriting Workshops
Free | Tickets or Reservations Not Required
Staged Readings
Wednesday, April 12 | 7:30 pm
Twice Told Tales
Written by Simone Barros
Directed by Terrence Spivey
Dramaturgy by Lenora Inez Brown
Saturday, April 15 | 3:30 pm
The Unexpected Advocate
Written by Mary Wilkinson and Deb Dyer
Directed by Nick Hrutkay
Dramaturgy by Eileen O’Leary
Synopsis: In 1990, Ohio Governor Richard Celeste granted clemency to 25 battered women who had been sentenced to life in prison for having killed their abusers. This act precipitated a change in state law to allow such women to introduce expert testimony in their defense proving that they suffered from what came to be known as the battered woman syndrome. Ohio was one of the last states to change these laws. Our play is a fictionalized account of the real-life relationship between two Cleveland women from very different backgrounds who became involved in this and how it impacted both their lives.
Saturday, April 15 | 7:30 pm
The Panther Dancer
Written by Logan Cutler Smith
Directed by Tyson Douglas Rand
Dramaturgy by David Todd
Synopsis: The Panther Dancer is a playful synthesis of biography and tabloid journalism, which traces the arc of a childlike pop-star’s life by staging the many mediated images of it. This young wonder wanted, in his own person, to be the greatest show on earth. But this show is only about that show. Here the Panther Dancer’s life is rendered flatly, mattely, and in fast-forward: a sidelong glance at a meteoric rise and tragic fall.
Saturday, April 15 | 11:00 am
Fifty Ways to Start a Play
With Mike Geither
Plays can be written in an infinite number of ways. Each one is unique to its author and each has its own inspiration. Maybe you have an idea bouncing around in your head that you’d like to spend some time with – a voice, a scene, an image – or maybe you’re just interested in putting a few words on a blank page. In this workshop we’ll generate scenes, monologues, and other material for the stage, and find inspiration for both short and long plays. You’ll write in new ways and create possibilities to carry forward. For new to advanced playwrights.
Saturday, April 15 | 1:15 pm
The Past Is Never Past: Writing History Plays
With Arwen Mitchell
History may seem like, well, history – but not when it comes to riveting narrative and producible plays. This workshop goes through different types of history plays, from experimental to well-made, and will provide lively discussion, exercises, strategies and more for the writer who’s interested in creating any kind of dramatic work from the past.